2 Watchpoints

The TCEF_Watchpoint class implements a single address watchpoint. And contains the following methods.

int64 Get_Address()

Returns the address of the watchpoint.

integer Get_Access()

Returns the CEF access code for the watchpoint.

void Set_Access( integer Value )

Sets the access code for the watchpoint.

PChar Serialize()

Returns a string containing the watchpoint in XML.

void Deserialize( PChar Image )

Creates the watchpoint from a serialized XML string.

Watchpoint Manager

The TCEF_Watchpoint_Manager class manages a set of watchpoints. They consist of the following methods.

void Clear ;

Deletes all watchpoints managed by this object.

TUEC Clear_Watchpoint( int64 Address, integer Access )

Removes the watchpoint for the address with the access code(s).

TCEF_Watchpoint Create_Watchpoint( int64 Address, integer Access )

Creates a watchpoint for the specified address with the specified access code(s). The watchpoint is returned.

integer Count()

Returns the number of watchpoint addresses being managed.

void Deserialize( PChar Source )

Creates watchpoints from a serialized XML string.

PChar Serialize()

Returns a string containing all of the watchpoints in XML.

void Terminate()

Destroys the object.

TCEF_Watchpoint Watchpoint_At( int64 Address )

Returns a watchpoint for the specified address with all access codes for that address set.